For many years the end of the July meant a few things to the Richardson family. It meant a mid-way point of summer fun, cottage, fishing, golfing, and BBQ with friends, family and of course all hands on deck for the Fergus Truck Show. For well over 10 years we attended. Very fond memories. I remember our first show there. Well, my first show because that is all that was there, me. I had two 4×8 sheets of plywood painted white, propped up with 2×4’s with our logo on them and a bunch of pictures of what we do.

I remember vividly getting set up and looking forward to meeting all the folks from our industry Trucking for a Cure showfrom all walks of our business. I put a couple of lawn chairs out to sit and relax when needed and I was set to go! Bring on the business opportunities. It did not take long before a golf cart being wheeled by Shari Clark at that time the organizer of the Fergus Truck Show, pulled up with a big smile and thanked us for attending. Shari was a real nice person. She told me to get rid of the lawn chairs because I would not need them, I would be too busy to sit down. For the most part she was right. We met a ton of people, we were still new in the industry but we became a staple of the show for many years. Our space got bigger, we partnered with carriers and truck sales organizations to bring more people and sizzle to our area. At one time we had one of the biggest spaces at the event and depending upon the year there was KRTS staff, family and friends to help out. I am sure many remember the KRTS beer mugs and chamois to clean the trucks. When we launched The Rear View Mirror we became a proud sponsor of the event and still sponsor today.

They were good times. The fraternity had a spot to meet somewhere in the summer and for a period of time it was the spot to be. What happened? The show is not what is use to be. I stopped by the show on Friday this year and so much has changed. Very few vendors and recruiters from our industry. It was disappointing. There were tons of volunteers with smiles and very willing to help. I am sure they all work very hard and deserve a ton of credit but the Fergus Truck Show needs a face lift if they are going to continue to promote it as a truck show. There are some great shows in all corners of our Province but our Province needs a major summer show. Maybe it’s Fergus with a facelift, maybe it’s a new venue dedicated to celebrating our industry and the people in it. Any ideas? Give me a call or drop me a line.

About the Author

Kim Richardson is a husband, proud dad, friend, loves Caledonia, and is involved in a couple of businesses, KRTS, Transrep, The Rear View Mirror. Currently the Chairman of the Board OTA Allied Trade Division. Executive Director, PTDI and TTSAO. Anyone who knows Kim knows he has been in the industry and transportation runs in his blood. Kim can be reached through his business websites at KRTS Inc, and Transrep Inc, Kim Richardson on Linkedln,

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