For the Ontario Ministry of Transportation
SPR Associates | 18-260 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, ON M5A 1N1
Tell the Ministry what you think is needed for Southern Ontario Truck Stops
A Study of Truck Parking and Rest Areas in Southern Ontario is being undertaken for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation by SPR Associates.
The study involves consultations with key Canadian and Ontario trucking associations and will identify ways to address the shortage of Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) truck parking along Southern Ontario highways. Consultation sessions will be held in Ottawa (October 10); Toronto (October 17); and London (October 24).
A major part of the study involves a survey of truck drivers who use Ontario’s southern highways (including drivers from across Canada and the US). This survey will be on-line in November 2017.
Results from the study will be used to: estimate specific needs for additional truck parking in Southern Ontario; and recommend ways of improving the availability and quality of Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) truck parking along Ontario highways.
Consultation sessions with SPR and MTO staff will be held:
Ottawa (October 10, 2017 — 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm)
Toronto (October 17, 2017 — 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm)
London (October 24, 2017 — 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm)
To obtain information about the consultations and the overall study, please visit:
Or if you have any questions about the study, please contact the Study Director, Ted Harvey, at: