Milton, On: Today the PMTC is announcing a special offer to the young leaders, or future young leaders of the Transportation Industry. “The PMTC believes the Youth are the Future of our Industry, and an age group that we as an industry must do a better job of engaging.” Stated PMTC President Mike Millian.
“At the conclusion of our Annual Conference in June, the interest from young people outside of our current membership to get involved was very strong. The YLG Leadership group came to our Board and asked for this special trial membership to reduce the barrier to an introduction to the YLG. Our Board fully supported this at a recent Board meeting, and as such we are now announcing this special offer to the public.”
Membership in the PMTC Young Leaders Group is a bargain at only $110.00 per year. For this fee you will receive many benefits, including an invitation to PMTC Board Meeting and YLG Board Meetings. You will receive member only pricing for Educational Seminars, Networking events, YLG Events, and the soon to be announced YLG “Driven to Lead” Educational Program. You will be on our email distribution list to be notified of any and all upcoming educational and networking events.
Normally to be eligible to become a PMTC YLG Member, your parent company would be required to be a PMTC Principle or Associate Member. To encourage more Youth to become active in our Industry and our Association, we are waiving this requirement for a 1-year term. If you are 40 or under, and involved in the transportation Industry, you are eligible for a 1-year YLG Trial Membership, with out the requirement of your parent company being a member. Once the one-year term is up, your company would then be required to become a PMTC member for you to remain a YLG Member. This gives you one year to become involved, see the value of the PMTC YLG, and the PMTC, before your company having to commit to becoming a full PMTC member.
Contact Vanessa at the PMTC office for more details at, or by calling 905-827-0587. We believe you will see the value in joining our Young Leaders Group and taking advantage of this offer.