Medical cannabis authorizations continue to increase at an alarming rate across Canada, and with the legalization of cannabis scheduled for 2018, concerns are being raised regarding the impact this will have on employees and the workplace.

Join us for “Marijuana Unwrapped – Don’t Just Roll With It”, on Tues. Oct. 24 in Calgary, AB, for an open-platform discussion that will feature industry experts presenting about the challenges of cannabis in the workplace. Presentation topics will include workplace drug policies, the effects of cannabis on one’s duty to perform safety sensitive roles and the legal/human rights considerations when implementing testing programs.

An open forum panel discussion will follow the presentations which will be moderated by Pat Atkins of Alberta’s Drug and Alcohol Risk Reduction Pilot Project (DARRPP) and include panel guest Paul de Jong of Progressive Contractors Association of Canada (PCA), in addition to our speakers.

This is your chance to learn from leading authorities about workplace challenges of cannabis, and hear real life stories of others in related industries, that share similar issues to you.

And when we say limited space available, we really mean it! Our last meeting sold out in 45 minutes!

To register please follow this link: Marijuana Unwrapped – Don’t Just Roll With It

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Jeremy Thiel at

Date:                                Tues. Oct. 24, 2017

Time:                               8:30am – 1:30pm

Location:                          Sheraton Cavalier Calgary Hotel, 2620 32nd Avenue NE, Calgary, AB, T1Y 6B8

Agenda:                           Marijuana Unwrapped – Don’t Just Roll With It

8:00am – 8:30am:          Coffee and Networking

8:30am – 8:35am:          Welcome!

8:35am – 9:20am:          Facing the Challenge of Marijuana in the Workplace

Barbara Butler, Barbara Butler & Associates Inc. Management Consultants

9:20am – 10:05am:        Canadian Cannabis Craze

Dr. Melissa Snider-Adler, Chief Medical Review Officer, DriverCheck Inc.

10:05am – 10:20am:      Break

10:20am – 11:05am:      Marijuana and Workplace Considerations

Anca Turta, Counsel, Imperial Oil Ltd.

11:05am – 11:50am:      Cannabis in the Workplace – Panel Discussion

Moderated by Pat Atkins, DARRPP Administrator, DARRPP

Guest speakers joined by:

Paul de Jong, President, PCA

11:50am – Noon:            Wrap Up!

Noon – 1:00pm:              Lunch, Draw for Prizes and Networking



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