(Oct. 10, 2017) – The Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) submitted comments to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) on the draft Green Commercial Vehicle Program (GCVP).
The program will see funds from Ontario’s carbon tax policy redistributed to the trucking industry to encourage fleets to adopt greener technologies such as electric and natural gas powered commercial vehicles.
The draft program also includes rebates, of up to 30 percent, for aerodynamic devices such as side skirts and boat tails, with additional rebates available for electric APU technology and the use of ant-idling devices.
The highlights of OTA’s submission include amendments suggested by OTA members that will encourage fleets to invest in GHG reducing technologies, which include:
- Revising the 2014 or newer model year requirement for eligible alternative fuel vehicles, to include older model vehicles;
- The addition of wide single tire technology, which have similar, if not greater GHG reducing potential than other technologies in the draft program;
- Including rebates for telematics and driver monitoring systems, up to 30 percent in line with Eco Camionnage program in Quebec;
- Implementing an early adopter incentive which provides fleets running long-haul trucks an additional 10 percent rebate on all eligible vehicles and equipment;
- An additional rebate for dual fuel and conversion kits, up to 30 percent for long-haul trucks and carriers registered in the Long Combination Vehicle (LCV) program in Ontario
- The inclusion of additional rebates for driver and staff training costs when adopting new alternative fuel technologies;
“We believe these recommendations will not only include a wider scope of proven technologies, but also reward early adopters as well offer the greatest potential for GHG reductions in the province by focusing on trucks that are on the road the most,” says OTA’s director of policy and industry awareness programs, Lak Shoan.
Although there is no timeline for when the program will be open to fleets, MTO is optimistic an announcement will be made by the end of 2017 or early 2018.
For more information on the GCVP please contact lak.shoan@ontruck.org