Kelly Henderson, Executive Director for the Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic has been in the Trucking Industry for over 24 years. Having started her career in the Trucking Industry at a leading private career college for the trucking industry in Atlantic Canada, it was a natural progression to move to the Council in 2004. Her work has focused in a variety of areas, not limited to, recruitment and retention, training standards, certifications and building human resource capacity in the trucking industry. Over the years she has received many industry awards and recognitions for her contributions to industry. Most recently was recognized as Woman of the Year in Transportation for her dedication to excellence in the trucking industry. Continuous learning is one of Kelly’s top priorities. “The trucking industry has been very good to me – the best part of what I do is that every day is different – I experience new challenges and new opportunities regularly with ongoing opportunity to learn and grow.”

When we look at organizations and consider why organizations lose people, one of the top reasons an employee leaves or disengages from an employer is a lack of communication.

I often hear managers say I tell people what they need to know. Does that seem like enough? Do you feel good just getting the bare minimum of the details or do you get more bought in when you have the required information? Do you do a better job when you are included in some of the planning or decision making?

The Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic offers an Employer of Choice program and one of the 5 main pillars companies are measured in is Communication. Not because it was a nice to have but because it was a must have when development of the program took place. We consulted both employers and employees. This is where we quickly learned how important strong communication is to employees in any organization.

Whether you are the CEO, supervisor, fleet manager or a co-worker, people need communication – they need to know what is happening on a day to day basis. Knowing builds interest, interest builds engagement and engagement brings personal investment. We all need and should want our employees to be invested and feel valued. Being informed is being valued.

A colleague recently shared with me that she introduced a program with her staff on communication. They spread the program out so they, as a team, could go through the different activities over a few weeks. The program included men and women – some more willing than others to participate initially. Since completing the program – together – their profits have tripled, the staff morale is higher than it’s ever been and everyone on the team is working toward success. One employee has already increased their wages, many are getting bonuses. Some will argue it depends on the business, profit, etc. But does it? Everyone is working toward the same goals, together everyone is increasing the profits. The increased profits gave the owners flexibility to introduce bonus programs. The success is motivating employees – the communication is keeping them personally invested in the success.

So what can you do to start making a difference today?

  1. Employee satisfaction surveys are a great start. Include a communication component to the survey or reach out to us and we can help you with some tools we already have developed at
  2. Weekly meetings are a great way to keep connected with your people. I knew a Director who had a remote staff – when she couldn’t meet with them in person, she did a weekly video and sent it to everyone with the team goals for the week. The staff loved it – they knew they mattered.
  3. Encourage your team to participate in professional development on communication. Often times we learn people don’t know how or aren’t comfortable having conversations. What better way to empower your staff than to give them the tools they need to be successful.
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Kelly Henderson, Executive Director for the Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic has been in the Trucking Industry for over 24 years. Having started her career in the Trucking Industry at a leading private career college for the trucking industry in Atlantic Canada, it was a natural progression to move to the Council in 2004. Her work has focused in a variety of areas, not limited to, recruitment and retention, training standards, certifications and building human resource capacity in the trucking industry. Over the years she has received many industry awards and recognitions for her contributions to industry. Most recently was recognized as Woman of the Year in Transportation for her dedication to excellence in the trucking industry. Continuous learning is one of Kelly’s top priorities. “The trucking industry has been very good to me – the best part of what I do is that every day is different – I experience new challenges and new opportunities regularly with ongoing opportunity to learn and grow.”