Recipients of OTA Education Foundation scholarships, which are earmarked for exceptional first-year post-secondary students, have been awarded to 4 high-achieving students for the 2018 academic year.
The recipients are chosen by the Foundation’s Selection Committee, which spends a great deal of time reviewing applications that are submitted by students who are the children of parents who work in the Ontario trucking industry. “Members of the Foundation’s board feel privileged to be able to use these prestigious scholarship opportunities to recognize four outstanding first-year university and college students each year,” says Foundation chair, Scott Smith. The scholarships are awarded to students who exhibit an impressive balance between academic performance, service to community, and strong personal values.
The JO Goodman, Bud Barr, and George P. Ledson Scholarships are awarded to first-year university applicants, while the CV Hoar Scholarship is awarded to a first-year college applicant. Applicants are asked to describe their academic and personal accomplishments, contributions to community, extra-curricular activities, as well as personal, academic, and career goals.
The JO Goodman Scholarship was awarded to Taegan Townsley of Beamsville, Ontario. Her application was sponsored by J-Line Transport Ltd., where Taegan’s mother works as an office administrator. Taegan is starting her first year at the University of Western Ontario where she is studying for an Honours Bachelor degree in Anthropology.
The Bud Barr Scholarship was awarded to Megan Suchon of Mississauga, Ontario. Her application was sponsored by Atripco Delivery Service, where Megan’s mother, a senior information manager, has been employed for 27 years. Megan is pursuing an Honours Bachelor degree in Engineering at Carleton University.
The George P. Ledson Scholarship was awarded to Mallory Haggith of Kitchener, Ontario. Her application was sponsored by Challenger Motor Freight Inc., where Mallory’s father has been employed as a driver for 22 years. Mallory is pursuing an Honours Bachelor degree in Global and International Studies at Carleton University.
The CV Hoar Scholarship was awarded to Katelyn Curtis of Mississauga, Ontario. Her application was sponsored by TST Overland Express, where Katelyn’s mother is employed as a payroll representative. Katelyn is studying Journalism-Broadcast at Sheridan College in Oakville.
All scholarship recipients are selected from qualifying applications from students who are entering their first year of post-secondary studies at public universities or colleges. In addition to the Goodman, Barr, Ledson, and Hoar scholarships, 41 general university and college scholarships for 2018 were previously awarded to students who submitted applications sponsored by Ontario-based trucking and allied trade companies where the applicants’ parents work.
The J.O. Goodman Scholarship is named for Joe Goodman, who for 44 years was Senior Staff Executive of the Ontario Trucking Association (OTA). He served as the Foundation’s Executive Director from its beginning in 1958 until 1978.
The Bud Barr Scholarship is named for William (Bud) Barr, who served as the Foundation’s Executive Director from 1992 to 2005, following his retirement from a long career in the Ontario trucking industry. The scholarship honours the memory of Bud Barr, who passed away in 2009.
The George P. Ledson Scholarship is named for George Ledson, who until his resignation in 2015, served as a director on the Foundation’s board for 20 years.
The C. V. Hoar Scholarship is named for Charles Hoar, who is one of the founding members of the OTA Education Foundation and who led the Foundation into its current form when he helped establish the J.O. Goodman Awards in 1979.
General scholarships, including the Goodman, Barr, Ledson, and Hoar scholarships, are funded by annual donations, which, in large part, come from Ontario trucking and allied trades companies. The number of scholarships awarded each year is dependent on the amount that the Foundation receives in donations. For more information on the Foundation or to make a donation, go to:
Our Mission: To enlighten and educate Ontario university and college students to the economic importance of a prosperous trucking industry, and to encourage them to consider career and job opportunities in trucking by providing recognition and financial assistance for post-secondary education for children of Ontario’s trucking industry.