The Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) will be hosting a meeting to give all industry stakeholders an opportunity to learn how Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) is affecting the industry. Those who attend will hear from the TTSAO as to how the schools are being affected who deliver the MELT program. Participants will also here from the insurance industry and the carriers who both have a vested interest in MELT to ensuring the process is heading in the proper direction.

Prior to MELT being officially rolled out in July of 2017 a commitment was made by Ministry of Transportation (MTO) leadership that instructor qualifications and mandatory entry level driver training for DZ licensing would be addressed in 2018. Discussions have begun with industry stakeholders and representatives from the MTO are on the agenda to provide an update to those attending the meeting.

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) have also been invited to participate at the meeting. For 9 months the TTSAO and MTCU have been discussing the cap on tuition for commercial driving schools. This cap has been in place since 2009 and is putting financial strain on commercial truck driving schools, many who are members of the TTSAO.

The meeting is open to all industry stakeholders, schools, carriers, insurance and suppliers who would like to participate. The meeting will be held on December 11th at the Centre for Health and Safety Innovation at 5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga from 10 am – 12 noon.

Registration is necessary and can be done by contacting Sara Fitchett, Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario
Direct: 705.280.5577
Fax: 888.649.5328

For more information visit or contact:
Charlie Charalambous – Director of Communications and Public Relations, TTSAO –
or (905) 699 – 8837

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