The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) is reminding the trucking industry that the submission of ArriveCAN data remains mandatory and that the current verbal declaration option remains a temporary solution, as the Government of Canada continues to warn the industry that users must adopt electronic platforms as soon as possible to avoid non-compliance as progressive enforcement of ArriveCAN continues at the border.
The ArriveCAN policy came into effect in February from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) for all travellers crossing the border into Canada, including essential workers such as truck drivers. The app allows border crossers to submit data electronically via a smartphone or desktop computer, including their health status, prior to their arrival into the country. CTA worked with the Government of Canada to have verbal declarations in place as an interim solution for border crossers that did not have access to a smartphone or computer to be able to submit their data electronically.
CTA continues to work with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), Transport Canada and PHAC on issues related to compliance, including increasing uptake in the industry on the electronic ArriveCAN platforms (app and desktop computer). The federal government has continued to emphasize to CTA that the verbal declaration at the border to comply with ArriveCAN can be removed at any time, and electronic compliance will soon become mandatory for all truck drivers.
The CBSA has indicated to CTA that the current uptake rates for exempt Trade and Transportation travellers submitting ArriveCAN electronically in advance of their arrival at the border (via the app and/or desktop version) is at a concerning 12-percent for the trucking sector.
For drivers that do not have access to a smartphone or are not comfortable using technology, a desktop computer can also be used to submit ArriveCAN information to meet compliance. For added flexibility, drivers can submit their ArriveCAN data up to 365 days prior to leaving on their trip.
CBSA has indicated that a progressive enforcement policy has been in place since the ArriveCAN mandate was first introduced and that truck drivers who continue to exhibit non-compliance by not submitting this information electronically prior to entry into Canada, could be subject to significant fines or penalties.
CTA is also closely engaged with the federal government on related issues such as drivers who cross the border multiple times a day. The Government of Canada has indicated that discussions are ongoing on how to address this issue, and that a potential solution may be part of a larger communications campaign on ArriveCAN in the coming weeks.
In order to assist companies in training their drivers to use the ArriveCAN app, CTA recently created a training package in both official languages which includes a tutorial video, infographic on how to use the app, and FAQ document.
CTA will continue to keep the industry informed on any changes regarding ArriveCAN requirements moving forward.