Leading vendors of ELD technology from CTA’s Team Canada Elite have all issued guidance materials to help the industry prepare for Transport Canada’s June 2021 ELD mandate.
The volumes of material explain how it’s time for carriers to immediately begin doing their due diligence and how they can work with ELD suppliers to understand how this technology can be implemented into their operations as well as identifying considerations necessary for impacts upon their drivers and customers. The vendor-specific information provides step-by-step guidance on what carriers need to know about the Canadian ELD regulation, how carriers can engage their companies and begin the important process of transitioning from paper to electronic hours of service compliance.
“There is absolutely no reason carriers cannot begin their due diligence process with ELD vendors today with the amount of information that is currently available,” said Geoff Wood, CTA Senior VP, Policy. “The resources provided by Team Canada ELD vendors offer carriers fantastic insight into the necessary considerations and achievable steps that can be taken now in the ELD transition process.”
Units currently in service by Team Canada ELD vendors represent more than 80 percent of the Canadian ELD marketshare. To access information resources available from Team Canada ELD vendors (in alphabetical order) please visit the links below:
Attrix – https://attrix.ca/en/solutions/eld-hos/
Fleet Complete – https://www.bigroad.com/canadian-eld-mandate
Isaac Instruments – https://www.isaac.ca/en/compliance-regulation/your-checklist-for-canadian-elds/
Omnitracs – https://www.omnitracs.com/everythingeld
Zonar- https://www.zonarsystems.com/articles/zonar-canadian-eld/