Our local course here in Caledonia is called MontHill Golf CC. The superintendent of the course Stu Bradshaw is a family friend who has an impressive track record learning his craft at some of Ontario’s finest courses. He has worked tirelessly at making this 27 hole course a must play for any golfer regardless of handicap. The club house facility, steak house and eateries are amazing. We’re so blessed to have this facility in or community.
It hit me on hole 3 red as I walked up on the green and saw a bunch of divots that were not repaired. A divot for the non golfers reading is a loose piece of grass and dirt that is dug out of the ground when the ball flies onto the green.
So lets talk divots. It is a pet peeve of mine to walk on a green and see divots that are not fixed. Not repaired, the spot dies leaving the green a mess. It takes seconds to bend over and use a tee or a tool to fix your divot. Those seconds can make such a difference. When you fix the mark you made in the green the next player benefits, everyone benefits and the green benefits.
In life and business sometimes we need to fix “our divots”. In life we may piss off a friend or family member or we do something wrong that may require us to pay attention, we need to take some time to admit we were wrong, apologize and repair the problem. Spend some time on the issue that transpired and patch things up.
In business it is the same thing, we may make a mistake, we do something wrong or incorrectly or don’t meet the customers expectations. We need to pay attention.
It doesn’t take much, we need to recognize the divot we made and take the time to fix it. Everyone wins.