May 18, 2016 -‐ Hamilton, ON -‐ The Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) have responded to the MTO’s proposed Mandatory Entry-‐Level Training (MELT) standards. The TTSAO, along with industry subject matter experts from various carriers, training institutions and insurance fields, were among a task force
designed to provide input and feedback on the proposed new standards for Class A drivers in Ontario.
The TTSAO is thankful for the opportunity to be included in this task force and would like to thank the MTO and all of the industry stakeholders that participated in these meetings. TTSAO membered schools collectively produce more entry-‐level commercial drivers annually than any other association or education entity in the Province. TTSAO members were provided the opportunity to review the draft standards and provide feedback to their Board of Directors.
The TTSAO believes that great strides have been achieved towards what the MELT standards should look like however, before it can be fully endorsed, the following suggestions were made recommending that further discussion is needed:
• Instructor qualifications must be addressed
• Minimum requirements for training on a standard transmission should be included
• A clear definition of on-‐line education is required
• Procedures for booking of road tests should be included
• Vehicle configurations for training and testing need to be clearly defined
• Observation time in the training yard should be included in the defined hours
• Night time training should not be a requirement of the standard
• Maximum training of 6 hours per day in cab in unacceptable
• Clearly defined documentation to verify training hours are met is required
Kim Richardson, TTSAO Chairman of the Board, says “The TTSAO believes that great progress has been made in the new proposed MELT standard but additional edits and input are still needed. We understand that the government is on very strict timelines to complete the standard but it is imperative that as an industry we get it right the first time. The TTSAO is happy to continue our participation in the task force to ensure that we help to raise the level of entry level candidates entering the industry”.
For more information about this Press Release:
Kim Richardson – Chairman, TTSAO – KRTS office – 1-‐800-‐771-‐8171 x 201 or cell – 905-‐512-‐0254 or by email at
Charlie Charalambous – Director of Public Relations, TTSAO – Northbridge Office -‐ 1-‐800-‐265-‐7173 or cell (416)
473-‐3986 or by email at