Over two decades ago, I joined the Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) as an Allied Trade Member and have been an active member

for many years. I was honoured two years ago to run for the Chairman’s position of the Allied Trade Division. What a great decision I (and my family) made to throw my hat in the ring, winning the election and spending the past two years as Chairman of the Board of the Allied Trade Division. What an education and experience it has been. The learning curve is steep and it is a serious commitment of time and energy. I took the position very seriously with both personal and professional goals I had set.
At our first meeting with the board of directors, I was able to share my vision of the impact I would like to make, striving for my goals which I was hoping would be embraced by the team. The goals were simple:
- Increase membership for both Carriers and Allied Trades.
- Improve our social media presence as an Allied Trade Division.
- Communicate regularly with members and potential members.
As I end my tenure as Chairman, I am hoping to say we as a team have accomplished and even surpassed our goals. There are so many people and business leaders to thank for the accomplishments as a division of the OTA. The OTA without a doubt is comprised of one of the finest groups of people and employees I have witnessed at any association on either side of the border. This small army of “get it done” people is amazing. The leadership of the OTA is simply the best. David Bradley is the best of the best in his capacity and we all know leadership is no popularity contest. David may not always be popular – but he is a great leader. I am proud to have known and worked with David in many different venues and projects. We have not always agreed on the issues at hand, but we have always found common ground. He has earned my respect with his dedication, commitment and influence in the industry.
I want to thank all of the executive members and committee chair people for all their time and efforts. For me, it is also important to thank my team at KRTS. Their expertise and commitment on a daily basis to our success has allowed me to invest the time I needed to be a good chairman. Finally, but most importantly, I must remark on the unwavering support of my family and friends. My family and close friends have always supported my endeavours 100% – sometimes with many questions or concerns but always with support. Without that support and sacrifice from them, I could not do it. Moving forward, I am working on some new initiatives both personally and professionally that will not allow me to run for a second term – no regrets – a decision I am very comfortable with. I look forward to my role as past chairman moving forward – especially being active in the membership committee. The OTA is a great association. Get involved and take advantage of the benefits.
About the Author
Kim Richardson is a husband, proud dad, friend, loves Caledonia, and is involved in a couple of businesses, KRTS, Transrep, The Rear View Mirror. Currently the Chairman of the Board OTA Allied Trade Division. Executive Director, PTDI and TTSAO. Anyone who knows Kim knows he has been in the industry and transportation runs in his blood. Kim can be reached through his business websites at KRTS Inc, and Transrep Inc, Kim Richardson on Linkedln, krichardson@krway.com