What is a Fleet Advisory Committee and more importantly, who should be on it? I believe it is important to have representation from management, operation, safety and most importantly drivers. It needs to be an open dialogue where everybody feels comfortable speaking openly without any reparations of speaking openly.
The Framework:
How do you choose driver members?
- Talk to those who know your drivers the best, communicate to your dispatch team
- Look for drivers who stand out
- Who are committed to preaching the company message
- You have to determine the number of drivers and committee members, too many and nothing gets accomplished, too few and it becomes a lot of work for those on the committee
What are you looking to accomplish with this committee?
- The committee should talk about, the good, the bad and the ugly of the company
- The ultimate goal should be to find ways to better you company
- How to pass the word on to other drivers
- How do you get the commitment of your fleet
How often should the committee meet?
- A comfortable number is 3-5 times a year
- If you have it more than that, it is difficult to accomplish your tasks in a short period of time
- Remember this is a committee with drivers on it so you have to be cognisant of their time and the time commitment of the other members
Recognize those on the committee
- It is important to recognize those on the committee
- When you have driver meetings, have each member do a bio and spend 5-10 minutes going through their bios and thank them for their commitment
- Get your committee special shirts, jackets or hats letting everybody know they are part of the committee
Action items
- If you are going to have the commitment of the drivers and have them preach your message to their peers they need to believe in the management team that they are going to compete the action items by the next meeting and keep everybody informed of their progress
- The quickest way to lose the confidence of your Fleet Advisory Committee is do nothing from your action items.
In closing
Any and all of your committees are only as good as the commitment from each individual on your committee. Anybody from the office can go and see a customer in the nicest suits, the greatest smile and the firmest handshake but it is your drivers who are the face of your company. Stay committed to the committee, change up members every year or two to help create new ideas, fresh perspectives and to keep your goals in sight.
Everybody’s opinion matters on the committee, no one person should dominate the committee with forcing their own agendas forward. Keep in mind members of the committee come with a vast knowledge of the industry, embrace and encourage everybody to speak up and always be respectful.
The fleet Advisory Committee when done right is a great representation of your company. A great way to communicate what your company is looking to accomplish as the driver members will spread the word.
Enjoy your week and look forward to my next blog, “What does Be Great! Be Safe!” Mean?
Gerald Carroll
Be Great! Be Safe!